The table is logically joined to itself, and the more selective non-leading index keys are applied as index bound filters to each unique combination of the leading key values. 首先在逻辑上将表与其自身连接,然后将更具有选择性的非起始索引键作为索引绑定过滤器,应用于起始键值的每个惟一的组合。
Index providers are also bound by their own rules when compiling an index, and insist that it is up to portfolio managers to make their own decisions on listed companies. 指数提供商在编撰一项指数时,也必须遵守自己的规则,并坚称,决定投资于哪些上市公司是基金经理的职权范围。
The highest partition of a global index must have a partition bound, all of whose values are MAXVALUE. 全局范围分区索引的最后一个分区必须使用MAXVALUE设置一个分区边界。
You can initialize the index upper bound in only one place. 可以仅在一个位置初始化索引上限。
In the absence of a green-bond index, the relevant portfolios will be bound by certain rules. 由于还没有任何绿色债券指数可供参考,有关投资组合会按特定的规则进行划分。
The content of unsaturated fatty acids, index of unsaturated fatty acids, starch content before overwintering, soluble sugar content, percentage of bound water and bound water/ free water ratio during overwintering period in the former were higher than those in the laters. 前者叶片膜脂不饱和脂肪酸含量、不饱和脂肪酸指数、越冬前淀粉含量、越冬期可溶性糖、束缚水含量以及束缚水/自由水比值均高于后两者。
Optimization of H_ ∞ Index under Constraints of Circular Pole and State-variance Upper Bound 圆形极点区和状态方差上界约束下H∞指标的优化
After the optimization, a certain stability allowance and a certain performance index are obtained for the fuzzy controller through introduction of the small gain theorem for ensuring the system stability and optimization of the parameters of the controller with the norm bound based on with the genetic algorithm. 利用小增益理论确保控制系统的稳定,采用范数度量模型集的界,用遗传算法优化控制器参数,使得优化后模糊控制器具有一定的稳定裕量和一定的性能指标。
Satisfactory Fault-Tolerant Control for a class of continuous linear systems with actuator failures under constraints of regional pole index ( convex polygon pole index, sector pole index), steady covariance index and H_ ∞-bound index. 研究了含执行器故障的线性时不变随机系统满足区域极点指标(一类凸多边形区域/扇形区域)、状态方差指标和H∞指标约束的满意容错控制;
With the service fairness index guaranteed within a certain bound, the algorithm allocates channel to the user with as higher received SNR as possible and selects appropriate modulation scheme. 引入公平上限参数,在保证业务公平指数低于上限的前提下,让接收信噪比最大的用户使用信道,并选择合适的调制方式,从而达到较高的无线资源利用率和系统吞吐量。
Across the appraise of quality of groundwater and soil, find each index is in the range of GB ⅱ standard drinkable water, but Hg is in the bound of ⅲ standard water. As a whole, the water condition is well; 通过对地下水和土壤环境质量进行评价,发现地下水各项测量指标符合国标Ⅱ类饮用水标准,但是汞含量属于Ⅲ类水范围,总体水体环境较好;
This paper offers a method for the Position Index Bound to the access nonzero elements by means of the Control Algorithm [ 2] for the calculation of the random Sparsity. 本文应用中适用于随机分布稀疏性计算的控制算法,提供一个控制非零元存取的位置索引界限法。
The library has advantages of dynamic storage allocation, index bound checking, stream-oriented input/ output of vector and matrix, and easier upgrade. 该类库具有动态内存分配、下标越界检查、流式输入输出向量和矩阵、优良的扩充性能等特点。
This paper proposes portfolio model with exponential weighted index and fixed and proportional transaction costs, set up an aided mathematical programming, which is useful to estimation for the approximation solution and bound in branch-and-bound method. 本文提出了具有指数赋权指标以及固定的和比例的交易费的资产组合模型,给出了辅助的数学规划,利用它可以得到近似解或用于分支-定界方法中界的估计。
Generalization performance is an important index that describes the perfectness of a learning machine, whose bound plays a vital role in algorithm designing. 推广能力是刻画学习机器性能优劣的重要指标,它的界在算法设计中有着重要的作用。
Research of Stock Index in Bias and Bound Characteristics 股指波动的偏向性和跳跃性特征研究
For the case α≤-1, we get a lower bound of the minimum general Randic index and we show that our bound is best possible. 当α≤-1时,我们得到最小广义Randic指标值的一个下界并举例说明这一下界是最好的。
Under the SOD scheduling strategy, the sufficient conditions of a guaranteed cost controller is given in terms of LMI. The guaranteed cost controller makes not only the NCS stable but also the performance index less than an upper bound. 最后,在考虑SOD调度策略的基础上,协同设计了保成本控制器,以LMI的形式给出了不仅能使NCS稳定,而且使系统性能指标不超过一个上界的保成本控制器存在的充分条件。
In addition, it conducts the preliminary research on base stations layout using adaptive genetic algorithm. Experimental results show that the new scheme has superior performance in the two localization precision technology index of geometry precision factor and Cramer-Rao Bound. 实验结果表明,新提出的斜置平行四边形基站布局方案在几何精度因子和克拉美-罗下界两个定位精度技术指标上性能优越。
The empirical results on China stock index futures markets show that after considering the impact cost, the no-arbitrage pricing bound was relaxed, both the opportunities and the depth of cash-and-carry arbitrage were reduced. 分析结果表明,在考虑了冲击成本后,期货市场的无套利区间放宽,并且套利机会减少,套利深度降低。
Thirdly, determined the vague value of evaluation objects after comparing index weight value with relative low bound of satisfaction degree and the upper bound of dissatisfaction degree. 再者,将各指标的权重值与对应的满意度的下界和不满意度的上界相比较,经过相应的计算,确定每个评价对象的Vague估计值。
The basal idea of guaranteed cost control is to design a state feedback control taw such that the closed-loop systems are regular, stable, and impulse-free, while the cost index of the closed-loop systems is within a certain bound for all these admissible uncertainties. 保性能控制问题的基本思想就是针对不确定系统设计一个反馈控制器,使得其闭环系统不仅是稳定的,而且对于所有容许的不确定,其相应的性能指标不超过某个确定的上界。